VPL-reports, 9, 1-31
Time window(s) of cued visual selection
Hans-Christoph Nothdurft
Visual Perception Laboratory (VPL) Göttingen
The time course of cued target identification was measured in different feature dimensions. Spatially cued
targets were generally identified in short time windows which varied between features and observers, but
attention could also be held for later targets if the cued location was empty or the requested information
not yet available. For orientation, color, and luminance polarity, but not for motion, target properties
were faster seen than cues detected; instead of reporting the properties of the physically cued target
observers reported the properties of a later target at the cued location. That is, the effective cuing
windows were delayed. Different directions of target movement, however, were identified about in synchrony
with the cue. These differences confirm earlier reports of an asynchronous perception of color, orientation,
and motion. In the context of cued visual selection (CVS), the experiments confirm that cuing and cued
target selection provide a spatially and temporally relatively precise access to the dynamics of neural
processes in visual perception.
Published online: 06-Nov-2018 (minor correction: 05-Nov-2019)
Citation: Nothdurft, H.C. (2018). Time window(s) of cued visual selection.
VPL-reports, 9, 1-31,
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