VPL-reports, 11, 1-14
Cued visual selection of conjunction targets – no evidence of additional
attentional requirements for the binding of color and orientation
Hans-Christoph Nothdurft
Visual Perception Laboratory (VPL) Göttingen
The technique of cued visual selection (CVS) was used to measure dynamic processes in the
identification of combined color and orientation targets. It has been proposed that the different
features in such items must be attentively linked together for correct identification. In arrays of
red and green lines at different orientations, one line (which thus became the target) was cued and
had to be identified. Like with one-feature identification tasks in CVS, in which color is generally
faster identified than orientation, observers also identified the color of combined targets faster
than their orientation. Even in conjunction targets thus, features are identified largely independent
from each other. False conjunctions were not obtained from a lack of attention but because one or the
other feature was not yet correctly identified. When the performance in (separate) one-feature
identification tasks was taken to predict the performance in the (combined) conjunction task,
orientation identification was found to be slightly accelerated compared to the predictions. An
analogue effect in color was not seen or notably smaller and in the opposite direction. Detailed
analysis however showed that the improvement of orientation identification in conjunction tasks was
not achieved on the cost of simultaneous color identification, nor was iFigs.t explained by learning
effects or possible luminance differences in the tasks. It rather seems to reflect a better encoding
of orientation signals in color channels or a better utilization of attentional resources in
conjunction than in pure orientation tasks. Altogether there is no evidence that the attentional
resources needed for target identification were also used for the binding of target feature components.
Published online: 23-Jan-2020
Citation: Nothdurft, H.C. (2020). Cued visual selection of conjunction targets – no evidence of additional attentional requirements for the binding of color and orientation.
VPL-reports, 11, 1-14,
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